One Minute Briefs
One Rule. One Minute. Create an ad.
One Minute Briefs have been set up by The Bank of Creativity's founder Nick Entwistle. It posts a daily brief on Twitter and as the rule says, you create an ad as quickly as you can and post it on their account. It's a daily exercise that keeps you excited about advertising and encourages creativity,
Here are some of my entries.

#Backpacks @Herschel

Create posters to campaign against #AI & #ChatGPT taking over the creative world and show that #RealIntelligence will always be better.

You Unfiltered. Empowered & Individual.
A F** you to traditional online dating.

The Lilt brand is being replaced by Pineapple and Grapefruit Fanta

@WorldBollardsDay #Bollards
#WWF #WorldWithoutNature
Promoting the 3rd of March Day of World Without Nature via big brands


#VapianoUK #VapsPaddington
The Italian chain restaurant wanted a poster to promote their new restaurant in Paddington and the new Elizabeth line.


Replace the name of a brand by a film title

#WWF_UK #YearoftheTiger
Adopt a Tiger with WWF
Replace the name of a brand by a band

Nuts and Bolts for car manufacturers
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